Managed Services
Proactive IT management and monitoring of your company’s IT infrastructure network is provided by our network teams of engineers and technicians on a 24 X 7 basis. Whenever a problem is detected we spring into action responding to any security alerts, performing maintenance, patches and any diagnostics that are required.
How Managed Services Work
Proactive IT management and support services is more
than end-to-end, it’s full-circle.
- All included systems are monitored for performance and problems detected
- Reports are generated for management review
- Poor performing technology is assessed and given an improvement plan
- Issues are identified and support performed proactively
- Remote support is available for rapid response
- Recommended and periodic maintenance is performed
Why wait for the truck to roll up to the curb?
Get Remote Support immediately.
When a problem is identified by either end user or our technicians, help arrives in seconds via our support tools. Customers transition from a support call to an online support session with just a few clicks. This access and support of end-user’s PC or MAC computers enable Netrique to resolve issues quickly.
Managed Service Partners

Choose Netrique for your IT Management
One Company, multiple solutions, keeping your Enterprise on Course.